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Reported Scammer

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Reported on August 8, 2024 |
Extortion Scams Category | Global

Scammer Details

Scam Category: Extortion Scams

Associated Email: 1 report

Bank Details/BTC Wallet: 1HA6adpPkknSjkEgl5PPRQkYFYTfxZ8nDR

Target Country: Global

Scam Description

I have evidence of the email that was sent not sure where to put it though but in the letter they state that they will leak private videos of myself to my family and coworkers if I do not pay in 1920 bitcoin.

Insight from CredCheck

That sounds terrifying, and I completely understand your fear. This is a scam tactic known as sextortion, and it preys on people's privacy concerns. Here's the good news: it's incredibly unlikely the scammer has any compromising videos of you.

Here's what you should do right now:

  • Don't Pay. Absolutely do not send any money or Bitcoin to the scammer. Paying them encourages them to continue scamming others and might not guarantee they won't leak the "videos" anyway (which are likely fake).
  • Don't Respond. Engaging with the scammer gives them the impression you're afraid and might pay. Block their email address and phone number immediately.
  • Report the Scam. Head to the Federal Trade Commission's website ( and report the sextortion scam. This helps authorities track scammers and prevent others from falling victim.
  • Secure Your Accounts. Change the passwords for all your online accounts, especially email and social media. Use strong passwords with a mix of upper and lowercase letters, numbers, and symbols. Consider a password manager to keep track of complex passwords.
  • Talk to Someone You Trust. Let a friend, family member, or law enforcement know what happened. Sharing your experience will help you feel less alone and they can offer additional support.

Now, there's a slight chance the scammer might have gotten ahold of an old photo or video from somewhere. Here's how to minimize the damage:

  • Review Your Online Presence. Do a quick Google search of your name and see what pops up. If you find anything you're uncomfortable with, try to get it removed from the website. Most sites have a clear process for reporting inappropriate content.
  • Be Wary of Future Threats. If you start receiving similar threats from different email addresses, it's a sign the scammer is just mass-mailing. Don't engage, just report and block.

Remember, sextortion is a common scam, and there are resources available to help. Don't let them win!

ScamCheckup Tips

Scammers often bluff about having compromising videos. Here's a unique tip: ask them for proof. Tell them to send you a small snippet of the video (a few seconds) to a new, disposable email address you create specifically for this purpose. Scammers almost never have real videos, and they won't be able to provide any proof.

By staying informed and taking the right steps, you can protect yourself from sextortion scams. Remember, you're not alone!

Evidence Files

No evidence files uploaded.
